Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Ever wondered?

Hello world, ever wondered why I didn't update for so long?
Yes, I had been busy, but also... I actually found a new home to house my thoughts.
I have shifted, so please update your links =)

Monday, October 15, 2007

Love is....

My sheep are...
Tiffany, Yuqian, Krisstle, Seepeng, Huitian, Lijia and Karchian.

They decide to love God and serve God, I love them.
They have to make decisions and they choose God, I love them.
They have to make decisions and they don't choose God, I will still love them.
They like me, I love them.
They don't like me, I will still love them.
They listen to me, I love them
They don't listen to me, I still love them.

If I need to die for them, I will.
If they need me, I will always avail myself for them.
They are my priority. Because, they are God's gifts to me.
Each of them have different temperament and character, but I love them the same.

I love all my sheep dearly.
Even if they hurt me, I will still love them.
I have my limitations and am still imperfect, but I am sincere.
I am sincere towards all of them.

When I was younger, I was taught loving someone is to be vulnerable to them and in that process will risk hurts.
But love is greater than hurts, you see.

You know joy?
Joy is that smile that surfaces when the heartbreaks.
You feel the pain, but the pain is warm.
It's indescribable. It's joy.

I've got the joy, I've got the peace of mind.
I've got the melody...

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

I love Ada Choi

I love Ada Choi, she definitely acted well in this show. =))))

Monday, October 01, 2007

Good things ought to be shared


sharing with you all my fav songs... hehehehe

Sunday, September 30, 2007

The song

that had been in my head since I woke up....

"Break my heart for what break yours,
everything I have for your kingdom cause.
As I walk from Earth into eternity."

It just keep replaying, I think this is Holy Spirit's reminder.
The kind of heart that God wants, the kind of desire he wants me to have.

It is not what you can see that is powerful, it is in the unseen which is powerful.
Don't just be caught up with material or physical things, remember there is still eternity.

Monday, September 24, 2007


I had...
-Done my stats
-Emailed Gideon the RC fund stats
-Packed a part of the room
-Confirmed shepherding dates with my sheep(s)
-Planned CG for both NED1 n the Grads
-Signed up for my Keyboard lesson. It had been quite a long rest! Now I am so looking forward to it!
-Practiced on my keyboard and recorded a portion of it. =)

Wah! I feel accomplished. hehe
Next up, I should email focus on the family to express my interest in taking on more NO Apologies workshop.Good money! Then I can use to it to fund my instruments purchase. HEHEHE!


Thursday, September 20, 2007


"Everybody wants to change the world, but no one wants to change themself"

Today I attended DAY 2 of my "NO APOLOGIES WORKSHOP".

I just want to thank God for the little things that happen today that brighten up my otherwise long and tiring day.
-The smile of a baby. Yes she smiled to me, so sweet!
-Sincere affirmation from someone whom I just know. After my sharing of my lifestory, this new friend came up to affirm me. That really encourages me.
-A silly friend who keeps old messages that I send her, so that one day, we can sit down and she can answer them. I was so amuse, yet felt so loved.